Friday 9 March 2012

Main task completed

Completed Preliminary

Question 7

Question 6

Question 5


Whilst planning my magazine I decided to use simple font with large writing that young readers would find appealing and interesting. The styling of my magazine appeals to a young audience because it shows large clear images of people who clearly represent the rock genre, readers will quickly be able to identify what style my magazine, by the title alone “Just rock” so straight away they would be attracted to it. The article titles on my magazine are stand out and appealing, having a title to attract people in then a little bit of text to explain to the readers what to expect from the article. From the video interviews I conducted it can see that my readers agree with what I set out to do throughout my magazine.
Question 4 benefited me greatly, as I was able to determine what exactly I was going to put in my magazine and what my target audience was going to be looking for and interested in. I was also helped by a questionnaire I created early on my production process, I was able to use the results of that to determine even more accurately what people were interested, and how many of them had interests in them. I have several bar charts with information regarding my results of the questionnaire.

These are my results from the questionnair, they can also be found later on in my blog. I thought it was important to inclue these here as it shows how i determined exactly what my magazine would be like.

Question 4

Question 3

Question 2

Question 1

View more presentations from joshmurf.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Codes and Conventions Media

Cover: C
  • One Main image
  • Color scheme
  • Cover lines (lines of text)
  • Main cover line (Largest title)
  • Small headers (Right side)
  • Buzz words
  • Barcodes (bottom)
  • Title is usually partly covered by image (well known brands dont need showing)
  • Page is full with info
  • Unique font
  • Splashs
  • Strip across top or bottom
  • Directe mode of adress
  • Studio photographs
  • Price, issue, date and title.
  • Esclusive interviews with bands
Contents page:
  • Many big pictures
  • Color scheme (same simple colors used in cover)
  • Date
  • Issue number
  • Features
  • Advertisments
  • Less direct (People in the pictures are looking away)
  • Page numbers for contents
  • Main content
  • Side content
  • Prizes
  • Collumss (3/4)
  • Written if conventional way
  • Bold tpye
  • Sublines (More details, small font)
  • One main image
  • Quotes/interviews
  • Range of photo tpyes
  • Page title name (Contents)
  • Magazine name (Kerrang)

Friday 2 March 2012

Evaluation of College Magazine

After studying several magazines I was able to create a list of codes and conventions of a modern day magazine, whilst making my magazine I was able to use this list to follow the ‘rules’ magazines generally follow to create a more realistic looking magazine cover and contents page. I added a main central image, a bar code, along with price and dates and a featuring column, mentioning things within the magazine. All of these are generally part of the real magazines Codes and Conventions. I also used a colour scheme of light blue, dark red and black on both the magazine and the contents page, just as magazines do. The colour scheme helps people recognise the magazine from a distance, just by the colours used on the front cover.

Whilst making the magazine, I used two programs. One called Photoshop, the other called Quarkxpress. The program Photoshop helped me manipulate and edit original images I had taken myself, I was able to resize it and remove the background of the main image (Sean) These images were used on the front cover of my magazine. I was then able to add my dark red background behind the picture. I also added a light blue title to my magazine (Priestley Monthly) along with adding black text to advertise what is within the magazine. I also used the programme Quark to make the contents page, I was then able to add text boxes, text and images, still following the colour scheme used on the cover. Both of these programs were new to me, it took a while to get used to because they are very complicated, but they was able to help me make a good looking magazine cover in a short space of time.

Overall I am generally happy with my finished product, as it’s the first time I have used either Quarkxpress or Photoshop, I learnt new techniques and methods whilst using them that will benefit me when I come to make more. With the things I learnt I feel confident that next time I am asked to create some thing, I will be able to make something of even better quality than what I produced this time.  I believe I managed follow the codes and conventions of a professional, real life magazine well using most of the things I noted down whilst studying the magazine. However, in comparison to the professional magazine covers I was unable to create a professional looking cover. My main image was poorly cropped because once again I had never used this tool before. My colour scheme worked well, because the contents page actually looked like it would belong with my main cover.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Article Research

Initial ideas

I have chosen to do a rock magazine featuring music from all kinds of bands, both modern and classics from the 80's and 90's. It will appeal to a target audience of 16-25 years of age, so long as they have an interest in rock music.  The magazine will be mature, and informal so it might not be suitable for people under the age of 16. The modern rock and informal attitude of the magazine would only suit upto 35 year olds.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Using Photoshop and Quarkexpress

I successfully managed to learn how to use both Photoshop and Quark by following instructions. This enabled me to create a good looking magazine cover (Photoshop) and contents page (Quark) The programs are easy to use with instructions.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Rival magazines and ideas for my magazine

Rival magazines
Price: £3.20
Frequency of publication: Monthly
Price: £2.20
Frequency of publication: Weekly
Price: £2.20
Frequency of publication: Weekly
Initial ideas for my magazine
Price: £3.50
Printed monthly
Average issue size 50+ pages
It will regularly feature bands in the Rock charts

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Magazines and genres

Magazines and genres
NME - Indie
Q - Metal
Rocksound – Rock
Kerrang – Rock
Smash hits – Pop
Uncut – Classic rock
Mixmag – Dance
Guitar world - Rock
The source – RNB
The glash - Punk

Sunday 19 February 2012


1. What is your gender? A) Male B) Female

2. How old are you? A) 16-20 B) 21-25 C) 26-30 D) 31-35 E) 36+

3. What is your favourite band? A) Kings of Leon B) Oasis C) Kasabian D) Biddy Clyro E)Foo fighters

4. How often do you buy music magazines a month A) None B) One-Two C) Three-Four D) More

5. Least favourite band(s) ? A) Kings of Leon B) Oasis C) Kasabian D) Biffy Clyro E) Foo Fighters

6. Apart from rock, what else do you listen too? ____________

7. What is your Favourite album from you’re chosen band? _______________

8. What is your favourite song from your chosen band? ______________

9. Favourite colour? A) Red B) Blue C) Green D) Yellow E) Purple F) Other

10. Preferred female singer? A) Florence + The Machine B) Paramore

11. Favourite era? A) 60’s B) 70’s C) 80’s D) 90’s E) 00’S

12. How much would you expect a music magazine to be? A)£1-£2 B)£3-£4 C) More

13. Which information do you buy magazines for A) Information B) New bands C) Prizes

14. Which is more important for you to like a band A) Singer’s voice B) Lyrics C) Sound of music

15. Do you play an instrument? if so please state _________

16. What instrument would you like to learn? A) Guitar B) Drums

17. Three words to describe your favourite band/singer_______ __________ _________

18. What do you dislike about other rock magazines ____________________

19. What would you hope to see in a rock magazine_______________________

20. Preferred instrument A) guitar B) Drums

Friday 17 February 2012

Audience feedback

I interviewed various people who viewed my completed magazine and recorded the response of one of them. I asked the same questions to everyone, including the one I interviewed, the response was all positive, each remarked how they liked the colour scheme and the way my magazine was set up, they noted how it was appealing to a younger target audience which is what I was aiming for. All my feedback was positive and all the people I interviewed generally agreed, showing me that I have successfully appealed to my target audience and that they found my magazine both enjoyable and appealing.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Publication Plan of NME and Kerrang

Publication Plan of NME and Kerrang
Title: NME
Positioning Statement:  First For Music News
Frequency of publication: Weekly
Price: £2.40
Distribution: Supermarkets, Newsagents, Online.
Rationale:  You know us. We're the NME. We're a weekly magazine that's a must for right–thinking music fans. And very wrong–thinking music fans. We have the best access to your favourite bands. We have the greatest music writing and photography. We're the ultimate source for discovering the best new music first. We also give to charity.
Style: Its main focus is indie music, but they cover different types of rock as well. They occasionally venture into other genres too though, like rap.
Regular content:
Editor’s letter
Fans Forum
Band Index
Featured Content:NME Awards
Libertines: New album revealed?
Free Posters
Title: Kerrang
Positioning Statement: The worlds biggest selling weekly rock magazine
Frequency of Publication: Weekly
Price: £2.20
Distribution: Online, Supermarkets, Newsagents.
Rationale: Kerrang! mainly covers alternative, rock and metal bands. They often feature bands such as Avenged Sevenfold, Bring Me The Horizon and Paramore. They tend to cover big, current rock acts but also smaller, lesser-known metal and rock bands as well.

Regular Content:
Editor’s Note
Live Reviews
K! Icons
Album Reviews
Feature Content:
Pop Punk Riot
Posters from K Archive

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Sketch of Music magazine (Cover and Magazine)

Publication plan of my magazine

Publication plan
Title: J u S T R o C K
Positioning statement: All RoCK, JuST RoCk.
Frequency of publication: Monthly
Price: £3.50
Distribution: Newsagents, Supermarkets, DVD and CD retail stores, and Music stores (Such as DAWSONS)
Rationale: The main aim of this magazine is to introduce people to new bands, give them information on their current favourite bands and allow them to win prizes to see such bands. The magazine will only feature Rock and it’s closely linked subgenres, which will enable people to move onto a more wider range of styles of rock.
Style: The magazine will be informal and friendly, whilst it appeals to a younger audience. The vocabulary will be simple and easy to understand, using medium sized paragraphs so it avoids looking like an educational piece of literature. There will be plenty of images on each page.
Regular Content
·         Editor’s letter
·         Updates on bands mentioned in the last edition
·         Upcoming albums from bands linked/related to the magazine
·         Tour dates
·         List of bands to look out for and listen too
·         Polls/Questionnaires
·         Tips from musicians on playing instruments
·         Addresses for music stores, and instrument teachers
Featured content
·         Top Ten Music Festivals (A list of festivals you can’t afford to miss)
·         Our pick of today’s Bands (Bands that everyone should be listening too)
·         Who’s touring (Information on touring bands, along with prices and venues)
·         Next Big things (Articles and contents on up coming bands)
·         The interview Page (General interviews with all kinds of people linked to music)

Sunday 12 February 2012

Music Magazine complete

These three images are my final front cover, contents page and a double page spread.