Friday 9 March 2012

Question 5


Whilst planning my magazine I decided to use simple font with large writing that young readers would find appealing and interesting. The styling of my magazine appeals to a young audience because it shows large clear images of people who clearly represent the rock genre, readers will quickly be able to identify what style my magazine, by the title alone “Just rock” so straight away they would be attracted to it. The article titles on my magazine are stand out and appealing, having a title to attract people in then a little bit of text to explain to the readers what to expect from the article. From the video interviews I conducted it can see that my readers agree with what I set out to do throughout my magazine.
Question 4 benefited me greatly, as I was able to determine what exactly I was going to put in my magazine and what my target audience was going to be looking for and interested in. I was also helped by a questionnaire I created early on my production process, I was able to use the results of that to determine even more accurately what people were interested, and how many of them had interests in them. I have several bar charts with information regarding my results of the questionnaire.

These are my results from the questionnair, they can also be found later on in my blog. I thought it was important to inclue these here as it shows how i determined exactly what my magazine would be like.

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